Calling Disabled Drag Kings and Queens!


I would like to advertise this fun and accessible event this Sunday 9 September:

Calling Disabled Drag Kings and Queens! Would you like to join Paracarnival and Together! 2012 CIC at Hackney Carnival this Sunday 9 September 2018, where our theme is Kings and Queens?

We will be meeting to dress at Haggerston Park at 11am (E2 8NH), with the parade moving off at 1.30pm. After we pass the judging point, Paracarnival will facilitate those who wish to leave the parade. Full route maps including toilet locations will be given out at the meeting point.

There are portaloos on the route, and water, light snacks and ear plugs will be provided. We suggest bringing a packed lunch and wet weather gear. There will be spare wigs and crowns to cover heads from the sun, and spare costumes for anyone accompanying you. Volunteers will be available to assist with mobility as necessary, including pushing chairs. Blue Badge parking is available in the small Park leisure centre and on Queensbridge Road; Together! 2012 CIC may be able to assist with taxi fares. If you have other specific needs, we will do our best to meet them.

We are looking forward to a fabulous day! Come and join us if you can. Email Bettina with general queries or Ju regarding support costs.